5 Common Causes of Roof Leaks in San Marcos

Jun 3, 2022 | Blog, California, Roof Leak, San Marcos

What Are Some of the Most Common Causes of Roof Leaks in San Marcos?

A leaking roof can feel like a cause for panic.  Water infiltration in your home is a big deal and it’s important to address leaks as soon as possible.  Here are five of the most common causes of roof leaks in San Marcos and Southern California.

Wind Damage

Those Santa Ana winds can be fierce in San Marcos and they can cause some extreme damage to your roof with their ferocity.  Damage from high winds can effect the water proofing of your roof and lead to leaks.  Some of the ways high winds can cause damage to your roof are:

Shingle and Tile Damage

Shingles and tiles can be damaged by high winds.  Some of the damage that is commonly seen after severe weather events are:

  • Cracked Shingles
  • Broken Tiles
  • Loss of Granules

damaged asphalt shingle roofing due to strong wind San Marcos, CA

Missing Shingles and Tiles

Beyond just damaging the your shingles and tiles, the strong winds in San Marcos can actually rip them off completely.  As this layer of your roof is the important, outermost protective layer, losing shingles and tiles will surely lead to leaking in the long run if they aren’t replaced.

Damage to Underlayment

In general, wind can damage all of the roofing materials on your roof, and the underlayment is no exception to that rule.  Underlayment provides a second layer of protection to your roof after the shingles or tile, and wi

Broken Flashing

Flashing is the metal on a roof that leads water away from areas that are susceptible to leaks like dips, valleys, and sky lights.  It seems obvious, then, that damaged flashing would eventually lead to a leaking roof.  Flashing can be damaged in a variety of ways:

  • Membrane Shrinkage
  • Poor Installation or Repair
  • Old Age
  • Severe Weather
  • Accidental Damage

heavy rainfall on residential roofing San Marcos, CA

Heavy Rain Damage

Heavy rains can wear down shingles and other parts of a roofing system over time leading to weak areas.  These areas lose their water proofing ability which allows water to seep into the underlayment.  Once the underlayment is damaged, the water can penetrate into the roof decking leading to water infiltration in the home. Rain damage to your roof can look like:

  • Damaged Shingles
  • Mold and Decay
  • Leaks and Cracks
  • Gutter and Downspout Damage

Heat Damage

San Marcos roofs can be victims of heat damage.  This type of damage is not only unsightly, but it can impact the integrity of the roofing system eventually leading to leaks.  Not only extreme ambient temperatures, but excessive sun exposure can lead to heat damage to all parts of your roofing system.  When one part of your roof is damaged by heat, it can easily lead to damage in other parts of your roof because they’re all made to work together.  This means that heat damage will build on itself and eventually lead to a leaking roof.  Some of the tell-tale signs of heat damage to a roof are:

  • Discoloration
  • Cracked Shingles
  • Shrinking and Blistering
  • Missing Shingles
  • Melted Roofing

Poor Maintenance

General wear and tear is expected as your San Marcos roof is exposed to the Southern California elements.  Failing to perform routine maintenance and minor repairs as they arise will lead to deterioration and water infiltration down the road.  It’s important to properly maintain a roof to help it reach its life expectancy and to keep the interior of your home safe from water damage and mold.  Taking the time and spending money to perform necessary roof repairs as they come up will ultimately save money by ensuring your roof doesn’t need to be replaced prematurely.

trusted storm damage repair company San Marcos, CA

How can it be fixed?

This one is tricky.  Some contractors are unscrupulous and will be zero help if you call and tell them they did a shoddy job.  A poorly installed roof will need to be redone or you’ll be in for years of headaches, so if you suspect poor workmanship, call your contractor immediately.  Any San Marcos roofing contractor worth their salt will be willing to come take a look and work with you to fix the problem.

For professional roofing solutions, give Guardian Roofs in San Marcos a call today!