Tips For Optimizing the Energy Efficiency of Your Roof

Dec 28, 2022 | Blog, California, Roofing, San Marcos

Unless your home is located in a shaded area, your roof is exposed to direct sunlight for hours each day, which can raise the indoor temperature on summer days. This results in your HVAC system working harder just to keep up. If you have high summer cooling bills and traditional asphalt roofing, you have options for energy-efficient roof updates that can reduce the load on your HVAC system.

Add Attic Insulation and Seal Leaks

Efficient roofing materials can only do so much. If your home is not already configured to reduce energy use, you’re not getting as much out of your roofing investment as you could. Add layers of insulation to the attic, seal holes and leaks in your ductwork, and make sure to close up leaks around doors and windows, too. You can do these projects yourself or hire a contractor if you are not comfortable tackling DIY home improvements. 

Insulation in the attic.

Apply a Reflective Coating

Coating plays an incredibly important role in the energy efficiency of a metal roof. Roof coatings are similar to thick paint, and they not only enhance the reflectiveness and energy efficiency of a roof but their durability and weather resistance as well. Many metal roofing materials, especially steel, come pre-coated with zinc, aluminum, or a combination of the two. However, you also have the option to hand-select your color and coating, so make sure you research the emissivity of different coatings and choose an Energy Star-certified product.

Install Metal Roofing

In addition to working well in tandem with both rustic and modern architecture, metal roofing is also energy-efficient and eco-friendly. Most metal roofing contains a coating with reflective properties, which keeps your house cooler in the summer and insulates it more efficiently in the winter. While metal roofing comes with a higher price tag than asphalt, it saves you money on energy use and also lasts for decades longer. It’s generally composed of 30 to 60 percent recycled materials and can be recycled when removed later on down the road—unlike asphalt roofing, which ends up in the landfill.

Metal roofing.

Install Solar Shingles

If you are ready for a bigger investment and want the most energy-efficient roofing materials out there, solar shingles are a great option. They’re a type of solar photovoltaic panels that resemble, and can replace traditional building materials. These are a great option for people who love the idea of solar but just can’t get past what some consider a clunky aesthetic. They are somewhat less efficient than regular solar modules, but if a smooth aesthetic is of great value to you, they may be the way to go.

Plant a Roof Garden

Can’t afford a new roof? There are still options for making your roof more energy efficient. When it comes to a green roof, the green is more literal than what you might think: it’s a roof covered in plants! First, you need to make sure your roof is solid, capable of supporting a little extra weight and make sure there are no leaks. Insulation may be required by local building regulations, so check to see what preliminary steps you need to follow. Do your research when it comes to using the right materials and building plants and grasses that will flourish in your region. If done right, a green roof will do more than lower your heating and cooling bills; it will purify the air, provide stormwater management, and add unique natural beauty to your home.


While energy-efficient roofing materials are more expensive than asphalt, they add value to your home and cut down your energy bills, bringing in an impressive ROI. If you are not sure where to start, get a home energy audit. No matter what roofing style or material you choose, making your home more energy efficient will yield more positive results. If you plan to take on any of these larger projects, make sure you hire a contractor who has specific experience in installing that type of roofing or feature, such as the Guardian Roofs team. You don’t want to waste your money, so call today!