Rainy Season Tips for Your Roof

Dec 29, 2017 | Blog, Roofing


The rainy season is here! Southern Californians welcome the rainy season because it provides a break from the intense heat of the dry season. It’s nice to see a little green! But there are some important considerations you should be aware of this rainy season when it comes to your home’s roof. To make it through the rainy season without major problems developing with your roof, follow these handy tips from Orange county’s roof experts at Guardian Roofs.

Schedule regular estimates

The most important way to avoid the development of serious problems is by scheduling regular estimates of your roof. Small problems can be detected and resolved early and inexpensively with regular estimates from the roof experts at Guardian Roofs. Call us at (714) 633-3619 or email service@guardianroofs.com to schedule a roof estimate of your roof at a date and time that’s most convenient for you.

If you don’t get your roof inspected regularly, major problems can develop. Roofs in Southern California often experience intense weather conditions like hail, rain, lightning strikes, fierce heat, seismic shifts, and more. But the most common reason roofs fail and need to be reroofed or replaced is because of a lack of preventative maintenance. Take a little time out of your busy day for a roof estimate and you’ll save yourself lots of trouble and $$$. You should alos know that preventative maintenance is often required by manufacturers’ 10, 15, and 20-year material and labor warranties. If you want you roof to be covered by manufacturer warranties, it’s essential that you schedule regular roof estimates with Guardian Roofs. We recommend estimates be conducted every 6 months.

Record the condition of your roof

Take photos and video before and after the rainy season to record roof changes. This will help you be aware of the condition of your roof and if you need to file an insurance claim, photos and videos will make that easier.

Make a plan

If a problem develops with your roof, what will you do? It’s a great idea to start researching roof repair companies right now, so you won’t have to scramble later. You can depend on Guardian Roofs for all your roof needs throughout Orange county. We have the manpower and expertise to tackle any size roof job you send our way. Call Guardian Roofs at (714) 633-3619 for prompt, effective roof services.

Communication is key

If you have any tenants or employees on your property, make sure they know what to look out for when it comes to your roof, and to inform you immediately of any problems they notice. As previously mentioned, taking care of minor issues promptly can save you lots of issues down the road.

Guardian Roofs is here for all your roof needs. Call us at (714) 633-3619 or email service@guardianroofs.com for roof services you can really count on anywhere in Orange county.

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