Do solar panels mess up your roof?

Do solar panels mess up your roof?

Have you been thinking about getting solar panels installed on your roof? Before you get excited and start calling solar panel companies, it’s super important to make sure your roof is ready to handle it. Learn more about the potential dangers of getting solar panels...
What are the risks involved in getting solar panels?

What are the risks involved in getting solar panels?

Solar panels continue to gain popularity throughout Southern California and the US in general. Have you thinking about having solar panels installed on your home? For many homeowners, they make a wise investment because of the energy bill savings they provide and...
Worried about Solar Panels Damaging Your Roof?

Worried about Solar Panels Damaging Your Roof?

Are you considering getting solar panels installed on your roof? Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular throughout the US because of their significant energy savings and because they save homeowners on their utility bills. It’s the eco-friendly and...